Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Dave and I in 1999. 

This past fall the college where Dave and I graduated from put a call out to all the alumni couples who met while students at the University of Hartford.  We decided it would be fun to share our love story with the alumni magazine for the winter edition (that just arrived in mailboxes this week) and sent our story and some pictures in.  While ours was sadly not one of the six chosen for publication, it was one of the additional six listed on the sweethearts website!  To read the very condensed version of our story click here.  What started out as something that I thought would simply last for our senior year has turned into something so incredible.  Here we are twelve years (nine years married this coming August) and two kids later.  Sure, we've had our fair share of bumps in the road (eighteen months of infertility amongst them), but those bumps have only strengthened what was an already incredible foundation.  Our story is pretty simple.  It's not one that they will make movies about (although if they did I would like to think that Reese Whitherspoon would play me) but it is one that I hope our girls look to for inspiration when they are old enough to be contemplating marriage.  Our story is simply the story of two best friends that fell in love.  Our story is simply the story of a boy who sees a girl and knows from that very first moment that he will marry her.  Our story is simply the story of love, laughter, magic and a good dose of romance thrown in every now and again.  Our story is the story of us and I wouldn't have it any other way. 


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