Friday, April 1, 2011

We asked a few of our students to think of things they'd like to ask our new CEO Johanna Frelin. Check it out!

What's your goal for Hyper Island in 5 years?

I want to build a stable, sustainable company that lives up to our vision “World Leading, Lifelong Learning”. Build to Grow – is my mission. I think we will have developed both our programs and courses in Sweden and abroad as well as our worldwide network (speakers, coworkers, students, alumnis) will bit by bit change the world.

What's the most valuable thing learned from SVT that will not be viable at Hyper Island?

Here are a couple of things (I can´t choose):
-How to produce a TV show aimed for 11 year olds.
-To be head of a huge organization with 600 coworkers.
-How to be a political lobbyist.
-Age Management.

If Hyper Island was a movie - what movie would it be?

Warm, funny and dramatic at the same time, where people go to learn odd things, scary, with lives at stake. It must be Harry Potter.

What's your favorite color?


Who would play your part in a movie about your life?

Julianne Moore - she can play anybody and is both serious and charming at the same time ;)

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Horseback riding, skiing, boating, travelling and being with my kids and friends doing all those things above.

What's your favorite bar?

The Bar of Låktatjokko – in the middle of nowhere close to the Norweigan border far up north, you can only go there by ski or scooter (Between Björkliden and Riksgränsen).

Are there going to be more Hyper Island parties now that you're onboard?

Haha! Like you need a CEO to arrange parties….


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