Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mama's Sick

Around 5:15am I woke up from a sound sleep with the distinct feeling that I was not right.  I darted into the bathroom only to have a mother's worst fear realized. I was sick. And not just head cold sick but stomach bug sick. The kind of sick where you want to curl up and die.

I woke Dave up about 15 minutes later and informed him that I was sick. Really sick.  So we sat about figuring out the morning.  The best he could do was come home early and I was willing to take it. The only other option would have been to import my mother, from Connecticut, but we realized that by the time she arrived he'd be home. Little did we know that they were still snowed in from the storm yesterday so that idea would have been a bust from the beginning.

A little while later, Dave headed to work and I proceeded to feel like death warmed over. Or chilled over really. I was in and out of the bathroom, and the girls were pretty much fending for themselves at that point. Upon the final time that I got sick, my poor babes witnessed it.  I had shut the door but there is no lock on it, so they walked in and unfortunately had to see mama in a less than stellar bathroom moment.  Afterward I stuck a Max & Ruby DVD in the player and crashed on the couch.  The good thing about that DVD is that it will just constantly loop so I knew that they would be occupied for more than enough time. I had gated off the areas I did not want them and then passed out.

I woke up about an hour later to hear, Emma jumping on a cushionless loveseat and to see this:

Notice the basket of unfolded laundry. 
It had been on the chair in the window patiently waiting for my attention. 
These girls were clearly on a mission and clearly had a good time!

David arrived home with the usual provisions for when one is sick. Things that we must have run out of recently and not yet replenished, saltines. Jell-o, soup, ginger ale (I had finished the last can this morning)  and popsicles.  He is such a fabulous husband and father.  Sent me upstairs, fed the girls and totally took over.  It was just what I needed. 

I took a three and a half hour nap this afternoon, and while I woke up feeling less likely to need the bathroom I am now super achy.  I am hoping that a good night sleep does the trick and that I am back at least at 50% tomorrow.  

With any luck, we'll see you tomorrow.  


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