Monday, February 15, 2010
Yesterday, when we were looking of items to donate to the local food pantry we discovered a rather old box of crackers. It had visit to the duck pond written all over it!
And since they are predicting some nasty weather for tomorrow the girls and I headed out this morning to feed the ducks. It was rather chilly and gray out but made for a fun way to spend the morning. Of course, as I type this, the skies are blue and wonderful, and I am wishing I had known it was going to be this gorgeous before we headed to the duck pond during the gloomiest part of the day. Oh well.
As soon as I parked the car the ducks and geese headed over to greet us. As I unloaded each of the girls the ducks/geese backed off. It was as if they knew to be a little more gentle because the girls are little. It was amazing!
Labels: Ducks