Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Expectations were high this morning when our new Digital Media students entered the door for their first day here at Hyper Island. Today they are getting to know each other, and I took two of them aside to talk about their personal expectations and hopes for the next two years.

Josefine Frisenfelt is 23 years old, and says she is happy to be here today.
- I still can't grip that I really got in. But I am really happy to be here, she says.

Josefine is born in Karlskoga, but lives in Stockholm with her boyfriend. She says she likes to draw on her computor, and that's why she applied to the Digital Media program at Hyper.

- I'd like to work with design and management and at Hyper Island I can combine both of those interests, she says.

How did you find Hyper Island?

- I heard about it from a friend when I was studying economy, and then I read about it on the internet and thought that it sounded great. What I liked was that we get to do an internship and that we work so closely with the business industry. I have missed those parts in other education alternatives.

What are you looking forward to the most?
- The design parts. And to learn from my class mates. I think that I will have a lot of fun here.

Martin Bergén is 33 years old and he is also excited to be here.
- I have great expectations. It is very exciting, he says.

Why did you apply to Hyper Island?
- I liked the method, and the fact that I get to work and do my internship. I am too old to spend too much time at school, and Hyper Island seems to lead directly to work.

What have you done before this?
- I have been working as a graphic designer but on a freelance basis.

What do you hope to get out of your time here at Hyper Island?
- I hope that it is as good as people say it is, and I look forward to being part of a creative team. Working is a freelancer is lonely and often you get to do the most boring parts. I would like to be a part of the hole process for once.


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