Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To examine the AND-GATE operation by “Discrete Method”
DC Power supply
Bread board
Connectivity wires
Digital multimeter
A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit. Most logic gates have two inputs. At any given moment every terminal is one of the two binary condition low (0) or high (1) represented by different voltage levels. The logic state of the terminal can and generally does change, often as the circuit processes data, In most logic gates the low state is approximately zero volts (0V) while high state is five volts positive (+5V)
Procedure First I took the bread board and adjusted the two diodes, I took resistor and placed in the same line where diodes are placed on one side of the resistor is grounded level. I applied voltage from voltmeter which acts as inputs. One input is at ground “0” and the other is at “1”. Similarly it took the other three readings.
AND-GATE is the operation of the multiplication. I concluded that it gives “ON” value when both of its input is “ON”. It gives output “OFF”, when any one of its input is “OFF”.
The AND-GATE is used in
Ø  In FM
Ø  In Mobiles
Ø  In PNP & NPN transistors.


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