Friday, May 21, 2010

Somehow I let time slip by this week without blogging all the wonderful things that we have done.  So in an effort to chronicle our doings of the week, I will "catch up" by posting more than one post today. There is just too much to fit all into one post!

The girls and I love to bake and any excuse to get together in the kitchen is reason enough for us.  Not long ago on my goddaughter Hannah's blog she posted her mother's recipe for cornbread.  I spent many, many days babysitting Hannah and her sister, Sara when I was a teenager.   Their house was like my second home, and I was always happy to be there, be it to babysit or just spend some time with everyone.  Since I am always on the hunt for wonderful homemade recipes to add to our collection, and since my connection with this fabulous family remains to this day, I knew that this recipe had to be tried.  On Wednesday, Mexican Lasagna was on the menu for dinner and I decided that the girls and I should make a batch of cornbread to go with it.

The girls were so proud of what they had made, and were super excited to share their creation with David when it was dinner time.  
The cornbread was as easy as it was delicious, and will certainly be made for years to come. From no on, there will be no more boxed mix for us! 


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