Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The time is now!

20th May is the final day to apply for YH seats at our long term programs. In other words - there is still time!
Recently Swedish Metro published an article about how to become a millionaire by developing mobile apps. That could be you! Hyper Island will be starting a program for designing and developing applications for mobile devices this fall. Our other programs are also designed to take you all the way to the top, to become the most sought after talent in the digital and interactive communication industry. But that's not all. During your time at Hyper Island, this life changing journey, you will not only challenge yourself in creativity and idea generation but also as member of a team, developing leadership skills, team-member skills as well as trying out all the relevant roles and disciplines of a digital creator, project manager and producer.

As of this fall we offer five long-term programs:

Apply here

At last, but not least. We have no teachers, no schoolbooks and definitely no test. How do you like the sound of that?

Hyper Island in a Nutshell from Martin Bergén on Vimeo.

See you in August!


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