Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Digital multimeter
Connectivity wires
Bread board
DC Power supply
IC # 47L500
1. I took bread board & connected it with IC in such a way that 7th pin is grounded and 14th pin is connected to vcc
2. I supply the voltage & checked out the output of gate by connecting them with DMM.
By the truth table we have concluded that if both the inputs are zero or any one of them is zero then the output will be one.
If both the inputs are one then the output will be zero.
  1. NAND Gates are used in screening, photo sensor, temperature sensor and level sensor.
  2. They are also used in Automatic driving jet and security system.

Time period of given waveform=14×10-6s
So, Frequency=f=1/T
We also know that angular frequency=w=2πf
                                    =2π (0.0174)
Original Value =0.2MHz
% age Error=24%


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