Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To study the full wave rectification by Bridge-mechanism
  • Diodes
  • AC supply
  • Resistor
  • CRO
First of all I connected the four diodes in a bridge mechanism and connected the one side of bridge with input AC supply and the other side was connected with the resistor and from the resistor I got the output. When the AC voltage was supplied during the +ve half cycle diodes D1 & D3 become forward biased and the current passed through the resistor and the output is obtained and during the –ve half cycle diodes D2& D4 become forward biased and the current passes through the resistor and the output is obtained.
            The main point is that direction of current passes through the resistor is same and then it is connected into DC.
Rectification is used to convert AC into DC voltage but input voltage is usually given in AC.


  • Basic Electronics Solid State (B.L. Theraja)


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