Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To measure the root mean square value and peak value of given voltage by using CRO.
  • CRO
  • Input Voltage
First of all I calibrated the CRO and then I supplied the input voltage so that I should be able to obtain the acute Sinusoidal waveform. After getting accurate waveform I measure the peak value of voltage “V”. There, I used the formula
Vrms=V/                     Vrms=0.7V
The peak value obtained was 50µV and I put them in the form and calculated the value of root mean square of the given voltage and I also measured the peak to peak value from the screen by using the relation
Root Mean Square Value:
Root mean square value of a quantity is the square root of mean square value of quantity. We determine the root mean square value because if we take the mean value of an AC signal then it will be zero but the power supplied is not zero. While the peak to peak value is obtained by adding the two peak values.
Whenever we talk about AC voltage then it is always meant to be its rms value because it is a kind of standard value for AC for voltage.

  • Basic Electronics Solid State (B.L. Theraja)


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