Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How the diode is used in full wave rectification by using
Centre tape transformer with filter.


Centre tape transformer, Diodes, power Supply, Capacitor, CRO, Resistor


First of all I connected the centre tape transformer with the supply line and then I connected the transformer in a bread board where it was connected with the two diodes. The diodes are further connected with the resistor and the resistor is connected with capacitor acting as a filter to remove the ripple factor and then output is shown on the CRO screen by connecting it on the capacitor. During the +ve half cycle, one diode conducts and during the other half cycle, other diode conducts and the whole input is converted into DC.


The ripple factor is the presence of the AC in DC or the output as the DC produced is not pure. To remove that we use ripple i.e. a capacitor and the output is quiet pure as shown in the fig.


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