Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How the diode is used as a rectifier in full wave rectification by using centre tape transformer.
Center tape transformer, CRO, Bread Board, Diodes & Resistor
First of all I took a center tape transformer and connected it with AC voltage supply while other end was connected with bread board in which it was connected with two diodes. One of the diode becomes forward biased during the –ve half cycle and the whole cycle of AC Is connected into DC because the direction of current passing through the resistor is same. The output of the resistor is connected to the CRO where it can easily be such that AC is converted in to DC.
It is process in which AC is converted into DC.
Types of Rectification:
There are two types of rectification
Half wave Rectification          Full wave rectification
Half Wave Rectification: It is only half of the input the voltage is converted into the DC voltage b/c in case of half wave rectification only one diode is used.
Full wave Rectification: In full wave Rectification, the complete AC signal input is converted into DC b/c there are diodes .One diode conducts in +ve half cycle and the other conducts in –ve half cycle.
We use rectification process to covert AC voltage to DC voltage b/c:
1. Most of equipment used DC and the power supply usually is in AC.
2. It is also used to detect the amplitude modulate signal of radio.
3. It is also done in electric supply network.


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