Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hej from NYC.
After spending 3 months in New York I have the strange feeling of belonging here. Maybe I'm just too adjustable?
Manhattan is an enormous, fantastic, exhausting and for many, a lonely place. But I find it comforting and relaxing to know there are 1,620,687 (approximately) people living together on a small island.

I spend my days at TODA, The Office of Design and Architecture, I think one of the best places I could have ended up at my internship.
As a former fine arts student and lately digital media student, these incredible(and patient) designers are teaching me the art of graphic design from scratch. Never shaking their heads when it comes to my limited skills in kerning.

Everyday activities in the city includes: walking a lot, the occasionally after work beer, studying design, reading books at my rooftop, learning to play an instrument, wasting Sundays in coffee shops, freezing, sweating, eating with friends, (never cooking), walking in the park (norwegians need their Sunday walk...), mailing with Hyper Islanders in San Francisco, knitting, spending 3 hours in book shops, eggs and bloody mary brunches in Brooklyn, going to museums, eating enormous amounts of popcorn at the cinema, making new friends, going to concerts, and at the end of the day climb up the 7 stairs to my overpriced 2 square meter room in the East Village for a good nights sleep.

To be honest, I'm not homesick at all.

-Aina Cecilie Ørebech, Digital Media 2009 Karlskrona


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