Monday, December 15, 2008

Hyper Island visited Saco's fairs in Stockholm and Malmö earlier this fall. Hyper Island staff and students answered a lot of questions about Hyper Island, for example:
Do you earn a lot of money after graduating at Hyper Island?
As always, this differs from person to person, but generally Hyper Island students go into an industry that is well paid. Not only in money but also in experiences and knowledge. Many of our students go abroad, which gives them an understanding of other cultures, which can't be measured in any currency.

So you're saying you have no books, no class rooms, no teachers, no grades...? What DO you have?
We have real projects, real clients, and a big group of students who are eager to learn, from each other and from the industry professionals who come to Hyper Island to lecture and hold work shops.

Are you a hair dressing school?
Nope. I think we need to think of some new signs for our fair booth...

I would like to go to Hyper Island but I'm not a designer and I don't know how to create a web site.
Hyper Island is not a design school per say, we're a digital media school that offers full time students three different programs:
- Digital Media, where you come to acquire a broad understanding of the roles in the digital media industry, and you choose one field to specialize within: management, design or technology. This 2-year program includes a 90 week internship placement period.
- Interactive Art Director, is a perfect 1-year program for you if you have a minimum of two years of design work or education experience and want to take your knowledge to the next level. The program focuses on various aspects of design (for example interaction design, interface design and branding) and leadership within creative teams. This program includes a 13-week internship placement period.
- Digital Business Management's main focus is to educate students to meet the upcoming needs for modern and visionary management in companies, organisations and projects. The content of every management role is to truly understand the systems of business and the systems of productive teams, and this 1-year program helps students become wizards in business and group dynamics. Digital Business Management also includes a 13-week internship placement period.
As long as you're eager and curious you will learn what you need to work successfully in the digital industry!

I'm not very good in English, are all your programs in English?
Yes, all our programs are in English starting fall 2009. We're now giving English speaking students with all nationalities the chance to study at Hyper Island too. Don't worry, your English will be just fine. Most Swedes are better at English than they think. If you're rusty, then grab the opportunity to learn from your classmates!

We ended up having talked to around 800 potential students - we're hoping to see them at Hyper Island next year!


For the second year in a row held, we a competition to win an iPod among our fair booth visitors. We congratulate the lucky winners, Patricia and Fredrik!


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