Monday, June 16, 2008

Last week Hyper Island had a visiting lecturer from Crispin Porter + Bogusky, one of the biggest agencies in the US. The vice president, Mr Winston Binge, came here to talk about the agency and give the students some advice for the future. I asked him some questions between his meetings with the students.

What do you think of our students?
- I have a lot of respect for Hyper Island students and the work they do here. I definitely want to work with your students.

How did you hear of the school?
- If you work in this business in the US you know of Hyper Island. People talk of the talent. You guys are world famous.

And what kind of people are you looking for?
- Smart people who likes to have fun, who like pop culture, who have passion in what they do. Team players who like technology. And people who can innovate the industry.

What is going on in the industry at the moment?
- There are a lot of demands from clients at the moment so there are a lot of opportunities.

Do you have any advice for our students?
- Dare to change the business. Be entrepreneurs, and don't settle at being the best at only one thing. Try different things and find out what you really love to do. You don't have to do it all the time, but work towards it.

And what do you think of Sweden?
- Well this is my first visit and it is great. We don' have much time for sightseeing because we've been at the Moving Images convent in Malmö and to Hyper Island in Karlskrona and Stockholm, and now we are going back home. I wish I could stay longer.


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