Sunday, January 6, 2008

Elin Johansson, a Business Management student report on their latest module, concerning their final project:

Business Management 06 finished ten weeks of our final project. During these weeks the focus has been on creating innovative ideas, finding new concepts and carry through with them. We have used a lot of our knowledge from our first year in school.

Research, trend analysis, budgeting, marketing plan and SWOT are some examples of these things. While we have practiced what we have learned we also got a lot of new knowledge. We have searched for new information, referenced interesting books and met many inspiring people on our way to broaden our networks. For many of us these ten weeks have been the final piece in the puzzle. We have measured our strength and feel ready for what is to come.

We celebrated the end of the final project by having an exhibition where we wanted to inspire our guests with our projects. 800 square meters was filled with show cases of our work, interesting companies, speakers, lots of visitors and tons of food. We all stood there very proud of our projects. These ten weeks have been filled with hard work, ups and downs, confusion, frustration, happiness and funny moments. When walking around and looking at each others projects it felt so amazing how much you can do in just ten weeks.

A lot has happened since we started school one and a half year ago. Time has flown away and soon it is time for our last internship. We all feel a bit nervous but also very excited to take the final step into working life. You will find us in all kinds of positions, from project consultant to CEO assistant. We will be at all types of workplaces, from advertising agencies to telecom companies. We will be in big towns, small towns and other countries speaking Swedish, English, Norwegian and German.

What we all will have in common is our motivation to always make things better, not settling for "good enough", with a passion for leadership and eagerness to learn more.

Elin Johansson


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