Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To study the parallel resonance circuit
Electricity circuit board showing current, Electricity Supply, Frequency Selector. RLC Parallel Circuit
  1. I took the board and connected it with the power supply.
  2. After that I supplied the electric current and then selected a specific frequency.
  3. I then noted the value of current corresponding to that value of applied frequency.
  4. Then I changed the value of applied frequency and noted the value of current.
  5. Then in the same way I calculated 5-10 more values of current and frequency respectively,
  6. Then I draw the graph between current and frequency to show the relationship between them.
By increasing the frequency first the current decreases and at certain value of frequency when the frequency is increased, current also increased.
At resonance the current is minimum and the impedance is maximum.
Use of Resonance:
Resonance is used in tuning of T.V and radio. The tuning adjusts the current in the circuit so that it is at resonance at the resonance frequency equal to broadcasting frequency. Resonance is also used in variable oscillator.



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