Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To study the full-wave rectification by using
Bridge-mechanism & filter

Diodes, AC supply, Resistor, CRO, Capacitor
First of all I connected the four diodes in a bridge mechanism and connected the bridge with the AC supply and with the resistor and it was further connected with the capacitor which acted as a filter to remove the ripple factor. During the +ve half cycle the diodes D1 & D3 become forward biased and during the –ve half cycle diodes D2& D4 become forward biased as shown in the fig. while the capacitor remove the ripple from the output DC to make it pure.
In the experiment, we have used capacitor. A capacitor is a device which stores charge in it.
Time Constant:
It is time taken by a capacitor to store 0.63% of the total charge stored in it.
It is capacity of capacitor to store charge in it and charging is directly proportional to applied voltage.
Where C is the capacitance of the capacitor and it is measured in Faraday.
During the +ve half cycle the capacitor become charged and in the –ve half cycle, it uses the charge.


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