Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To measure the time period and frequency of different AC signal by CRO
·         Cathode ray Oscilloscope                  
·         Voltage Supply
First of all I checked that CRO is properly working then I did calibration. After calibration I applied the voltage and then I applied the frequency and from the CRO I read the time period per division with the help of wave form on the screen and then I calculate the frequency of given waveform and then I calculated the angular frequency by using the formula
And then I compared the obtained value with the applied value and calculated the % error.

To have an accurate value we need to have an accurate measurement of time period on which the value of frequency is dependent i.e. f=1/T
If there is still some error then it is due to the fault of apparatus.
CRO is a high speed graph plotting device and it works by deflecting a beam of electron as it passes though it. The deflected beam is then falls on the fluorescent screen and makes it a visible spot and display graph. The electrons are produced by an electron gun which consists of heated cathode, a grid and an anode. The anode which is at high potential with respect to cathode, accelerate the electron while the grid is at –ve potential w.r,t, cathode and it control the no. of electrons Brightness of beam.
Applications of CRO:
  1. The CRO is used for displaying the waveform of given voltage.
  2. Once a waveform is displayed then we can measure its voltage, frequency phase and time period.
  3. Y-axis calibrated in Volts and X-axis is calibrated in time.
  4. The time period can easily be determine by using time calibrated of X-axis.

  • Basic Electronics Solid State (B.L. Theraja)


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