Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Coming July 2th! We're all so exited!! :D

This screen shot was uploaded on the Disney Music Fan page on Facebook. The music video will premiere on Disney Channel this friday! The single will also release this friday on Radio Disney.

As the French celebrate their revolution, we celebrate digital revelations by offering the Hyper Island Creativity Lab 14th July in Middlesbrough. We provide you with a vital opportunity to explore key tools for idea generation and development, and to absorb essential knowledge about the future of the digital landscape.

This one-day session also provides you with an insight to Hyper Island’s unique in-house methodology, the opportunity to reflect on how the digital landscape is affecting your work, and to draw on yours and other participants’ embodied knowledge and experience in order to adapt for change and achieve innovation.

Avoid having your expectations guillotined , sign up now as there are only 40 seats available.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sad News

For all those who are not on Facebook and have not already heard, I am heartbroken to report that our beloved Saraphina Kiki has taken off.  We were blessed to have such a fabulous cat join us for exactly one week.  We very quickly fell in love with her and her departure has left a giant hole in our hearts.  We hope to one day soon have a cat as lovely as Miss Saraphina Kiki.  Although a cat quite as lovely might be rather hard to come by.

We wish you many wonderful blessings (although belated) for a wonderful Summer Solstice!  May you take time to enjoy the beauty of the Earth and your dear ones.  

Father's Day started off with the girls giving David the pictures that they worked so hard to make for him.  They came out beautifully and are currently hanging on our fridge!

After we gave David his gifts, we gathered our stuff and began our journey to Salem.  We were taking David to Salem Willows.  How we had never been before is beyond me (especially since our wedding reception was in Salem at the Hawthorne Hotel).  He is a huge fan of old school amusement parks and this looked like a place that he would love.  And love he did.  

Everything at Salem Willows is a quarter.  Except for a few things that are ten cents (or a penny) or occasionally 50 cents.  

After we earned a fair amount of tickets we headed to KiddyLand.  
Old school kid rides at their finest!

I tried desperately to get the girls to ride this, but sadly neither of them would take me up on it. 

Ice cream under one of the willow trees for which the park is named. 

Heading back to trade in all our tickets (200 of them).  

The obligatory shot of the amazing hotel where we had our wedding reception almost eight years ago!
It was the totally perfect way to spend Father's Day!  The girls were quite captivated with earning tickets, pushing buttons and enjoying some good old fashioned family fun!  We will most certainly be heading back for years to come.  

Dear David, The girls and I wish you the happiest of Father's Days! Thank you for making this incredible life we live possible!  You are the most amazing Dad and have been since the day you scooped up newborn Grace! We hope you enjoy your day and all the super fun things planned! XO 

Our friends Erin and Mike invited us to join in celebrating their son Patrick's third birthday on Father's Day weekend.  The weather was incredible, the food was delicious and the company and conversation was fantastic!  

Emma's introduction to water balloons!

The girls were the only girls there but they totally represented well.  

Do not be surprised when this little is a member of the military's Special Ops unit!  
Thanks, Erin and Mike for including us in all the birthday fun!
We had an absolutely wonderful time!