Monday, May 25, 2009

Hyper Island's Business Management 2009 students graduated earlier this month. Congratulations!

Business Management 2009

We caught up with newly graduated Charlotte Hagefors and Frida Öhrman who told us more about their experiences at Hyper Island.

Frida: The examination week was an amazing week! So nice to meet everybody again after almost half a year. When we see each other we always have something to talk about, it feels like we last met each other yesterday. I know these people better than I know my oldest best friends!

Biggest learning experience at Hyper Island?
Charlotte: My biggest lesson learned is my self-understanding.
Thanks to especially UGL, process weeks and several personality tests, I have come to know new sides of myself that I will be of great help in the future.
Frida: I've learned so much about myself that I always can use in every possible situation. I've grown as a person, I understand myself in a better way, know about my strengths and weaknesses. I feel strong, self-secure and safe with myself! Like my classmate Sofie said, "you have grown from a little girl to an awesome project manager!"

Frida Öhrman

What's the best thing about Hyper Island?
Charlotte: You work in real exciting projects. And it's ok to fail. You also get an incredibly large network and in contact with several exciting industries.
Frida: The absolutely best thing about Hyper Island is the unusual learning methods, that we work in real projects with real customers - learning by doing, trial and error! The personal development, to work with a lot of feedback, and that there is two long periods of internship. The education is close to the real work life and the step out into the work life doesn't feel big but natural.

What's been your biggest challenge?
Frida: During the Final Project I had a break down and got a depression. I think it was the result of to many big changes in my live during short time, moving around a lot, studying, doing my internship, and working during summer. That, together with a very difficult final project with a troublesome customer was too much for me. I was very open and honest and told my group about how I felt, and we solved it in a good way, me working just half days. In the end, the result of our project turned out great and I'm very proud of it!
Charlotte: My biggest challenge was to find out what I want to work with in the future.

What’s been the most fun at Hyper Island?
Charlotte: I have many fun memories from Hyper Island. I have met so many wonderful and inspiring people.
Frida: The absolutely most fun during my time at Hyper Island was spending time with my lovely classmates. We spent a lot of time together and had a lot of fun, both during the days in school, and in evenings and weekends, cooking and eating dinners together and party a lot of course!

Charlotte Hagefors

Do you have any advice for future Business Management students?
Charlotte: Be yourselves and dare to bet on what you want to do. Put your goals high.
Dare to fail.
Frida: My advice for future Business Management students is to dare, dare, dare! The more you give from your self the more you will get back. Be open and honest to others and to yourself, challenge yourself and go outside your comfort zone. And take care of your relationships with all the wonderful people you will get to know during the way, and keep contact with them even after your education!

What’s happening next?
Charlotte: I now look forward to work as production manager on the event and communications agency Bodén & Co in Stockholm. I did my last internship there and now I have employment. It feels wonderful to get to work with exactly what I want to do right now.
I will miss many of the school, but feels great to be back at work after 2 years of study.
Frida: Now I'm looking forward to finally start to work. After studying at the university for three years I felt insecure and didn’t know what I wanted to do, but after two more years at Hyper Island it feels completely natural to start working, I'm really ready for it!


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