Friday, July 6, 2007

Hello Ogilvy NYC!

We met with Ogilvy New York to tell them more about Hyper Island. They were excited to get to know our students better - Arash Kazeminejad, Creative Talent Sourcing Manager tells us more:

What makes you interested in Hyper Island students as interns? What do you imagine makes students from Hyper Island stand out?
In my experience, Hyper Island students tend to be more well rounded compared to other advertising and design students. Most other schools seem to focus on the “big idea”, but Hyper Island students actually have the technical ability to execute their projects while maintaining their vision. I also like that the program puts an emphasis on conceptual thinking, management skills, and teamwork.

Is there something particular from the Swedish culture that makes students from the school a good complement at Ogilvy?
When I read about the past crews from Hyper Island, I liked seeing that students come from all over the world. I think the global perspective at Hyper Island is good for us because we are always looking for fresh thinking from a different viewpoint. The influence of Swedish culture is also very positive in a work environment because it is relaxed, but at the same time, very pragmatic. I also think that Swedish culture is unique because it incorporates design into daily lifestyle.

What makes Ogilvy a good place for students to spend their internships? Some may view Ogilvy as a huge corporation where students/interns could get less experience with real work than they expect, what is your view on that? From a student's point of view, what are the advantages of spending one's internship placement at a larger company?
Yes, Ogilvy is a large company, but size should be seen as an advantage, not as a disadvantage. As a company, we emphasize the need to have greater collaboration between design, interactive, broadcast, and print. This is a unique quality in the agency world because few companies have the resources Ogilvy has. We also encourage people to go beyond what a job description says and to take initiative if you think that you can add something special to your given project. I think that any Creative or Designer can appreciate this opportunity. A lot of other agencies talk about the depth of their resources and how integrated they are, but we are ahead of our competition because we have been running an integrated program longer than any of the other large-scale agencies. Unlike like many other large-scale agencies, we do not outsource our work. Instead, we do most everything in-house.

What about Ogilvy would you personally like to recommend to potential interns and hires in the industry?
Ogilvy is taking on new types of projects that go beyond typical advertising. For example, we are getting into areas such as building ecommerce platforms, creating and maintaining sites, as well as making branded content. We also have a very supportive work culture and emphasize that a person be well rounded on both a personal and professional level. All in all, an internship here at Ogilvy is a productive experience that will really enhance your overall thinking and growth.

Thank you Arash and Ogilvy!


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